
Sunrise Drive Mathathon is a great tradition that’s all about learning math and raising funds for Sunrise!

Pledge Today!

Through the Mathathon, tens of thousands of dollars has been raised for field trips, artists-in-residence, the Community Garden and dozens of other campus programs! Our families achieved this while our students had fun studying math – it’s been a true win/win for Sunrise and the students, so we’re doing it again this year!

Here’s how Mathathon works: the students get pledges from family and friends for either (a) each math problem answered correctly on a test they will take on March 11th, 2025 or (b) a flat amount.

Our online system lets you email and/or text potential donors!

We have set up a school site at It is super easy to use, and your student can then email and/or text family and friends, and payments can be made online, so no collecting cash or chasing money after you’ve fronted it yourself. This website is set up so that anyone committing a per problem pledge will not have to pay until after the Mathathon is complete and the students’ scores have been recorded (flat pledges will be charged immediately). Please see the instruction sheet for more details.

Time Table for Mathathon 2025

  • Feb 3 – Mathathon Kickoff! Start collecting pledges at
  • Feb 3 – Mar 10 – Use the test from the packet for practice at home – the more practice the better!
  • Mar 10 – All Per Problem Pledges must be received. Flat pledges can still be made after this date
  • Mar 11 – Test day – remember, math is fun! Volunteers needed!
  • Mar 31 – All pledges must be completed online. Any money paid after this date will not be included in the calculation of prizes (though, of course, it will be accepted).

Did someone mention prizes???

  • ALL participating students will receive a custom inscribed Sunrise Drive pencil! Raise $5 or $500, doesn’t matter, our goal is 100% participation.
  • We will have individual prizes for different fundraising levels, plus students will earn entries towards an awesome GRAND PRIZE! (Check out our 2025 Prize list)!
  • Two classrooms will be awarded FREE EEGEE’S certificates (or similar) as follows:
    • Highest Participation and Most Money Raised!*
    • Classroom that raises the most money will ALSO receive $100 to be spent as the teacher and class choose.
  • The grade level that has the highest average score on the test will get to celebrate with a fun recess, complete with special activities.
  • BONUS – if Sunrise collects $25,000 or more in pledges, the entire student body will get to celebrate together with a week full of fun games in P.E., and a “Crazy Dress-up and Hair Day”. That means that everyone will get to participate in the prize, so let’s make it happen and earn a whole lot of fun at Sunrise! In 2024 we raised over $31,000, so let’s try to beat it!

If you have any questions about the Mathathon feel free to contact Ava Parsi. Most of all, we want the message to be that math can be fun! We appreciate your help in this on all our children’s behalf. If you would like to volunteer to help, sign up on ParentSquare, click here!

Ava Parsi – Chair of Mathathon

*If the same classroom qualifies for more than one of the EEGEE’S prizes, the second place classroom will be awarded. For example, if one classroom achieves both the most money raised and the highest participation, the class will receive one EEGEE’S certificate for each student for the most money raised, and the second place classroom for highest participation will receive the EEGEE’S certificates for that achievement.